difference ()If I can manage to describe an item - such as this simple baseplate for a DE razor - as a collection of cylinders, boxes and arches, it can in theory be made on a 3D printer or CNC machine.
{union (){intersection (){translate([-25, -15, -10]) cube([50, 30, 10]);translate([-25, 0, -25]) rotate ([0, 90, 0]) cylinder (h=50, r=25, $fn=100);}translate([-15, 0, -5]) cylinder (h=8, r=3, $fn=100);translate([15, 0, -5]) cylinder (h=8, r=3, $fn=100);}cylinder (h=25, r=3, center=true, $fn=100);translate([-22.5, -13, -11]) cube([45, 3, 10]);translate([-22.5, 10, -11]) cube([45, 3, 10]);}
An infrequent blog about... well, mostly about his EeePC but also about other stuff.
Thursday, January 31
Experiments with 3D printing
Or rather, learning the skills to describe an object in OpenSCAD.
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