Thursday, January 31

Experiments with 3D printing

Or rather, learning the skills to describe an object in OpenSCAD.
difference ()
   union ()
     intersection ()
       translate([-25, -15, -10]) cube([50, 30, 10]);
       translate([-25, 0, -25]) rotate ([0, 90, 0]) cylinder (h=50, r=25, $fn=100);
     translate([-15, 0, -5]) cylinder (h=8, r=3, $fn=100);
     translate([15, 0, -5]) cylinder (h=8, r=3, $fn=100);
   cylinder (h=25, r=3, center=true, $fn=100);
   translate([-22.5, -13, -11]) cube([45, 3, 10]);
   translate([-22.5, 10, -11]) cube([45, 3, 10]);
If I can manage to describe an item - such as this simple baseplate for a DE razor - as a collection of cylinders, boxes and arches, it can in theory be made on a 3D printer or CNC machine.

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